Daniel Kilburn is a retired U.S. Army Senior Infantry Drill Sergeant, Father, Grandfather, Author, and Coach who has spent 30+ years helping others with leadership, communications, and disaster management planning.

Driven by an acute awareness of what can happen during a natural disaster, Daniel takes pride in providing the best solutions possible to keep people safe, he specializes in Leadership, Communications, the All-Hazards Disaster Planning approach and acceptable risk aversion to ensure safety.

The U.S. Army has recognized Daniel for his extraordinary commitment to instructional design, leadership, and mission accomplishment.

As a consultant, he specializes in Leadership, Communications, the All-Hazards Disaster Planning approach and acceptable risk aversion to ensure safety.

It is his Duty, it is Responsibility, and it is his Obligation to Tell You the Truth.

Life is an adventure, are you having one?

Let's get down to brass tacks

What am I an expert on?


leadership development

Empowering families and businesses to establish a lasting legacy by cultivating leaders, enhancing communication, and fostering resilience that will benefit both your loved ones and professional network long after your departure.


Family Urban Disaster Planning

Daniel assists families to open communications, build resiliency, and develop leadership by preparing for inevitable emergencies and natural disasters so they can protect themselves and live with a sense of security.


training development

Daniels goals include defining objectives, coordinating needs, and conceptualizing solutions. The U.S. Army has recognized Daniel for his extraordinary commitment to instructional design, leadership, and mission accomplishment.



On Social

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